Digital Marketing Services

Internet Marketing Services to grow your business

If you’re serious about growing your small business, then you should be serious about digital marketing. Since the internet became a thing, we have been moving more and more to using it to find what we need and to connect with people and businesses. Gone are the days when you just needed a “Yellow Pages” ad and maybe an ad in the local paper. Today, if someone wants a product or service, the first place they go is to the Internet. So if you haven’t got a proper digital marketing strategy, you’re not being serious about growing your business.

The good news is that Probity Web Marketing provide all the digital marketing services you need to grow sales and leads for your small business.

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What Services in Digital Marketing?

Probity Web Marketing provide a range of digital marketing services for small business. Whilst we may not offer every service there is, we provide a range of services that we believe are essential for an effective small business digital marketing strategy. These include:

Website Design & Development

The starting point of any long-term digital marketing campaign is having a website. Now not all websites are the same, and for a website to work well in your digital marketing campaigns, it needs to be structured well, look professional, have logical, straightforward navigation and load quickly and cleanly across all types of devices. This is the reason we have created our own website management platform, called SmartyrDXP.

Some of the Website Development services we cover:

  • Web Design
  • Web Development for custom functionality
  • API Integration
  • User Experience (UX) Design
  • Conversion Rate Optimisation
  • Website optimisation

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

We strongly believe this should be part of any overall digital marketing strategy. Search Engine Optimisation is making sure that your website is found when someone does a search in Google (or Bing etc), without the need to pay for each click (eg. Google Ads). The benefit of SEO is that if you keep working at it, your website will continue to grow in the Google rankings, meaning more traffic and more importantly, more sales and leads. SEO is a medium to long term strategy and is one of the few marketing channels where you can grow leads and sales without having to increase your marketing spend.

Some of the SEO services we cover are:

  • Local SEO
  • Technical SEO
  • Small Business SEO
  • Tradie SEO

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search engine marketing is where you pay to be found on the internet. This can be “Pay per Click”, where you are shown at the top of Google when someone does a search, or “Display” where you are shown on websites etc when people are browsing the internet. The most common channel for this is Google Ads. Whilst SEO is a medium to long term strategy, SEM is short term and can generate sales and leads immediately.

Some of the SEM services we provide are:

  • Google Ads
  • Retargeting
  • Pay per Click
  • Display Ads

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is marketing your business on any of the social media platforms. These could be either general posts or paid advertising. Social media is great for building your overall brand and works well in conjunction with other digital marketing channels.

Some of the social media marketing services we provide are:

  • Facebook management
  • Facebook ads
  • Youtube
  • Twitter/X
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn

Email Marketing/EDM Marketing

Email marketing and electronic direct mail (EDM) marketing is using email to reach out to potential customers. This could be as simple as building a database of clients and send out regular newsletters, or build an EDM marketing channel with Google Ads, retargeting, social posts and email to attract new clients.

Some of the email marketing/EDM marketing services we provide are:

  • Database building
  • Newsletters
  • Direct email campaigns
  • Marketing automation

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a bit of a crossover service and feeds into multiple digital marketing channels such as SEO, Social Media etc. It involves content creation (eg. Blogs, Info Pages, Videos, Infographics etc) and then sharing these through the different channels.

Some of the content marketing services we provide are:

  • Blog posts
  • Social Media posts (eg. Facebook)
  • Infographics
  • Videos
  • How to pages
  • Information pages

Why us for your Digital Marketing Services?

When looking for a digital marketing agency to help grow your small business, you want an agency with years of experience and therefore a lot of proven strategies that they know work. You also want an agency that offers all the digital marketing services you need. Whilst it is possible to develop your different digital marketing strategies in isolation, it works a lot better when they all work together. For example, you need your website to be structured correctly if you want SEO to work as well as it can.

Probity Web Marketing can help you with all your digital marketing services. We have been trading since 2007 and have developed a range of digital marketing strategies that we know work. We aim for long term relationships with our clients (average length clients stay with us is 7 years) and know to achieve this we need to deliver results (sales and leads).

Want to grow your small business?

Don't waste any more time overthinking it and sign up on one of our proven digital marketing plans today. We aim for long-term client relationships and are 100% committed to growing your leads and sales. You'll wish you started with us sooner.

Frequently Asked Questions about DIGITAL MARKETING

Digital Marketing Terminology

Glossary of Online Marketing Terms

What is a SERP?

SERP stands for "Search Engine Results Page". This is the page of results a search engine (eg. Google) shows you after doing a search.

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What is marketing automation?

I'm sure you've heard the term Marketing Automation. It's the new buzzword when it comes to digital marketing, much like SEO, Responsive Design and Remarketing before it. But do you know what it is and is it something you should consider for yo...

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Why Digital Marketing is Important

The obvious answer is that your potential customers are all online, so shouldn't you be? Try and think of another marketing channel where all your potential customers are, I bet you can't. They're not all listening to commercial radio or watchi...

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For more in depth digital marketing information visit our Digital marketing Information page

Looking for Digital Marketing Services? Get in touch with us today.

Features of our Digital Marketing Plans

Why Choose Us

We are driven by conversions. Our goal is to be your trusted partner, growing your website leads and sales to help you grow your business.

Long Term Relationships

We value long-term relationships with our clients. On average, our clients have been with us for 7 years. We have clients that have been with us for over 15 years.

Conversion Driven

We focus on growing our client sales through generating more leads. On average, we have grown our client website conversions from 6 to 161 per month. This is an average growth of at least 2500% from when they started with us.

Proven Strategies

We have been providing digital marketing to small business for over 17 years. This experience allows us to know what works and what doesn't. Our strategies are tried and proven.

No Lock-In Contracts

We don't want our clients staying because they're trapped. No Lock-In Contracts other than the initial 6 months; so you are free to leave at any stage. It is up to us to make you want to stay with our exceptional results and service.

Conversion Tracking

All digital marketing plans include call tracking numbers and we set up tracking for phone calls, web forms, live chats and sales. This allows us to know what strategies convert.

Continuous Improvement

Digital marketing is a dynamic and changing industry. For this reason, our staff spend 1 hour a day on self development to ensure they are up to date with the latest strategies as well as identifying new technologies to make a difference.

Industry Leading Websites

Our websites are built on our own website platform (SmartyrDXP). This uses the latest technology, and proven design and structure to optimise results.

Complete Digital Marketing

We are a full service digital marketing business. This means we can help with all your online strategies, including web development, search engine optimisation, adwords, social media, email marketing, marketing automation and more.

Client Reports

We provide monthly reports that not only show website visitors and conversions over time, but how much it costs to get that lead.

Open & Honest

We are open and honest about what to expect with digital marketing and keep you updated on how it is going. We don't bullshit you just to get your business.

Easy To Understand Plans

Our plans are simple and easy to understand. There are no surprises and in most cases you pay the one price for everything you need.

Authority Websites

We build Authority Websites with our proven strategies. This means websites that Google believe are the best for a specific topic. These websites deliver a consistent result and continue to grow indefinitely.

Probity Web Marketing Newsletter

Learn tips & tricks to get the most out of the internet for your business. Keep up to date with changes in Google etc and find out some of our proven strategies we have developed over 10+ years.

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