Website Design

Looking for a Custom Web Design

If you asked the average Australian to find a plumber, florist, restaurant, builder, naturopath etc; the vast majority would go to their phone or computer and search. The internet has well and truly taken over the role of the old YellowPages book or local paper as somewhere to find a business. Yet would it amaze you to know that a study as recently as 2019 found that 59% of small businesses in Australia don't have a website? Is your business one of these?

A professional website design should be the foundation to any marketing plan a business may undertake. Probity Web Marketing is a web design company you can rely on for a great looking and functional website design.

WEBSITE DESIGN HELP? Book a FREE Digital Marketing Strategy session.
Or fill out the form below or give us a call on 1300 399 515 and we'll review your current WEBSITE DESIGN strategies.

Functional Website Design

Having a great looking web design is only half the challenge. Many web design agencies hire graphic designers that can build you a great looking website but no thought is given to what you are trying to achieve, how visitors will use your website and how to convert as many of them to leads and sales. At Probity Web Marketing, we are a full service digital marketing company that hire web designers that understand user experience (UX) and how to convert visitors (CRO - conversion rate optimisation). When we design a website we include all the different web design strategies we have developed and refined since we began in 2007.

Professional Web Design

It's amazing to think that Google only started in 1998 and the first iPhone was 2007 (the year Probity was started). That means that we've only really been using the internet for just over 20 years. In that time a lot has changed and is continuing to change. This includes website design.

When the first websites were designed, they were simple layouts made to look similar to a document and wide enough to fit on the small screens our PC's and iMacs had. Since then we have got computer screens more than double the size as well as screens a fraction of that size on our mobile phones. So website design has had to change to ensure your website looks good on all devices; not to mention the changes in technology used to build websites and design tastes.

So if your website design is more than 3-5 years old you should really consider getting a new website design. Chances are it not only looks dated, but is missing a lot of the standard features of a modern web design, such as responsive design and SSL security certificates etc.

Why use us for your website design?

Probity Web Marketing has a team of web designers and developers that can build you a professional web design that works for your business. Some of the many reasons to use us are:

  • We have been building websites since 2007. In that time we have seen what works and what doesn't.
  • We are a full service digital marketing company so can offer you more than just a simple web design.
  • We are at the forefront of web design technologies. Our developers are always testing newer technologies and incorporating them into our website design strategies if we believe they will benefit the client.
  • We are an Australian based web design company that only hire Australian staff. So not only do we understand the Australian market, but you are keeping it local.
  • We aim for long term working relationships with all our clients.

You can view our web design plans and choose the one that best suits your needs or if not sure, simply contact with us to discuss your business and its' needs.

If you want a website design that has been optimised for search engines (SEO), look no further than our Optimised Websites.

Web Design Technologies we use

At Probity Web Marketing we aim to be at the forefront of website design technologies. As the internet develops and the requirements for a website with Google and the other search engines changes, our web designers are there. Some of the technologies we use to design websites are:

Frequently Asked Questions about WEBSITE DESIGN

What is Responsive Website Design?

Mobile devices and screens are becoming more and more popular, and as such, it's incredibly important that websites also be responsive to these changes in technology. How will a website look on a phone? On a tablet? On a desktop? A website mu...

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Static vs Dynamic Websites

Static Website Design

Static websites is how we built websites when we first started with website design. It is where each individual page is built with HTML and CSS using what is known...

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Difference between a Web Designer and Web Developer

You may have heard these terms and figured they were just different titles for the same thing. However, whilst it is possible to have people who do both, they are both very different parts of an overall website design.

The Web Designer<... Learn More

For more in depth website design information visit our Website design Information page

Looking for Digital Marketing Services? Get in touch with us today.

Features of our Digital Marketing Plans

Why Choose Us

We are driven by conversions. Our goal is to be your trusted partner, growing your website leads and sales to help you grow your business.

Long Term Relationships

We value long-term relationships with our clients. On average, our clients have been with us for 7 years. We have clients that have been with us for over 15 years.

Conversion Driven

We focus on growing our client sales through generating more leads. On average, we have grown our client website conversions from 6 to 161 per month. This is an average growth of at least 2500% from when they started with us.

Proven Strategies

We have been providing digital marketing to small business for over 17 years. This experience allows us to know what works and what doesn't. Our strategies are tried and proven.

No Lock-In Contracts

We don't want our clients staying because they're trapped. No Lock-In Contracts other than the initial 6 months; so you are free to leave at any stage. It is up to us to make you want to stay with our exceptional results and service.

Conversion Tracking

All digital marketing plans include call tracking numbers and we set up tracking for phone calls, web forms, live chats and sales. This allows us to know what strategies convert.

Continuous Improvement

Digital marketing is a dynamic and changing industry. For this reason, our staff spend 1 hour a day on self development to ensure they are up to date with the latest strategies as well as identifying new technologies to make a difference.

Industry Leading Websites

Our websites are built on our own website platform (SmartyrDXP). This uses the latest technology, and proven design and structure to optimise results.

Complete Digital Marketing

We are a full service digital marketing business. This means we can help with all your online strategies, including web development, search engine optimisation, adwords, social media, email marketing, marketing automation and more.

Client Reports

We provide monthly reports that not only show website visitors and conversions over time, but how much it costs to get that lead.

Open & Honest

We are open and honest about what to expect with digital marketing and keep you updated on how it is going. We don't bullshit you just to get your business.

Easy To Understand Plans

Our plans are simple and easy to understand. There are no surprises and in most cases you pay the one price for everything you need.

Authority Websites

We build Authority Websites with our proven strategies. This means websites that Google believe are the best for a specific topic. These websites deliver a consistent result and continue to grow indefinitely.

Probity Web Marketing Newsletter

Learn tips & tricks to get the most out of the internet for your business. Keep up to date with changes in Google etc and find out some of our proven strategies we have developed over 10+ years.

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