What is Search Engine Optimisation?

If you’re looking to grow your business and researching how to get more sales from the internet, you’ve probably come across the term search engine optimisation; or SEO as it’s commonly shortened to. But do you know what it really means and how you go about implementing it?

The definition of Search Engine Optimisation

SEO is a digital marketing strategy to improve your website’s rankings in Google, Bing and other search engines, for targeted search topics in organic search results. Let’s break this down.

What is organic search results?

Organic search results are all the listings you see below the paid ads on the SERP (Search Engine results Page) when you do a search in Google or other search engines. These are often referred to as “Organic Listings” and sometimes called “Free Listings” as it doesn’t cost you anything when someone clicks on them.

Find out more about the Search Engine Results Page.

What are targeted search topics?

Search topics are the different searches that people put into Google (or other search engines) when they are looking for something. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of different ways to search for the same topic. Therefore, a targeted search topic is simply one that you want to rank for, as it will lead to the outcome you are looking for. In most cases, this will be a lead or sale.

How do you choose the search topics you want to rank for?

There are plenty of platforms that allow you to research searches that people do around a topic and how many searches are performed each month. This means you can easily find a list of keyword searches with good search volume, but there is another step to finding the topics you want to chase. 

The second step to choosing search topics is to consider searcher intent. That is, what is the searcher trying to achieve from the search. Are they looking to buy a product or service, find a location, or simply get some information. If you want your website to generate sales, then you need to chase topics with a commercial/transactional intent.

Types of search intent

  • Transactional Intent (ready to buy)
  • Commercial Intent (looking to buy)
  • Navigational Intent (find out how to get to either a website or business)
  • Informational Intent (Find information on a topic)

How do you get your website ranking for the targeted search topics?

This is the million-dollar question and what search engine optimisation is all about. SEO is firstly about finding the search topics you should rank for, and then developing strategies to rank for them. Sounds simple, doesn’t it?

SEO is generally grouped into offsite and onsite strategies.

So is SEO just about ranking in Organic Listings?

No. Whilst ranking for targeted search is a large part of SEO, you also need to consider how to get people to click through to your website and then, once on your website, purchase something or contact you.