What is a SERP?

Ever wondered what is meant by "Search Engine Results Page" or SERP?

This is just the fancy name for the page you get when you do a search in Google (or another search engine like Bing). Below is a screenshot showing the different sections of the SERP. Read on to find out more about the different sections and the digital marketing channels/strategies that influence these.

The SERP page layout

Paid Ads/Listings (Search Engine Marketing)

This section shows your Google Ads and generally what we call PPC or "Pay per Click". The overall strategy is Search Engine Marketing.

Local Pack (Local SEO)

This is listings from Google Business Profiles (GBP). 

Organic Listings (Search Engine Optimisation)

These are sometimes referred to as the "Free Listings" as they don't cost you anything when someone clicks on them (like the paid listings). The strategy to get these listings on page 1 is Search Engine Optimisation or SEO.