1st Call Electrical

Digital Marketing for Melbourne Electrician

Electrician Melbourne

1st Call Electrical is an electrical business based in South Melbourne. They offer all the usual electrical services as well as air conditioning.


Client Since

Client since August 2016.
Client for over 7 Years

Conversions (Webforms & Phone Calls)

Monthly conversions grew from around 3 to 235.
Increase of 7730%

Website Visitors

Monthly visitors grew from 104 to around 2,600.
Increase of 2380%

Keywords Indexed

From a few hundred to around 10,000.
Around 650 keywords on Page 1

Rowan Diamond - 1st Call Electrical Services

Dealing with the team at Probity Web Marketing is easy. They are honest. They do what they say they will and they get great results. What more could you want?